I’m a Zara addict!

So it seems. Having packed all Kaitlin and Rory’s clothes for the holiday and taken photos of what we wear every day, it is quite obvious that I have become an unappointed Zara brand rep! Even I wore Zara clothes nearly every day too!

There are a few reasons for this.

1. It looks good on. The styles are current and on trend, made in miniature, but without being “grown up clothes on a small person”. There are enough colours and patterns and brights and cartoons to make it all fun for littlies. And it fits little ones too, instead of being just adult patterns in miniature. It’s made to fit their frames (and their nappies. Though be warned most of the boys shorts are big enough for cloth bums. I’ve downsized for Rory to 9-12m and they still have to be tightened up). Kaitlin’s little slightly sticky-outy dresses just make me feel all warm and fuzzy!

2. The clothes are lovely and lightweight. The t shirts are light, they flow, there’s thin linen shirts, shorts and dungarees, as well as cotton options.

3. They are reasonably priced. And in the sale even cheaper! Ok so a £1.99 t shirt doesn’t wash that well – it shrinks slightly and curls at the edges. But it’s bright and colourful and has fun logos, and it’s still good to wear for playing wash after wash. It doesn’t keep on shrinking! And the more expensive t shirts wash very well and I’ve never had a problem with those. There are two pricing bands really and you can find beautiful stuff in both of them. The cheaper stuff just doesn’t last as well. I think that’s fair.


4. I have the Zara app and can make enormous orders, get it delivered at home for free (and it usually comes within 48hrs) and then return what I don’t want to the store when I next go that way. Easy!

So I’m sorry if my Instagram account hasn’t really displayed many different brands while we’ve been away. My kids’ outfits for the super hot summer, and my recommendation to you all for gorgeous and affordable outfits in the super heat is… Well… Zara! 💜

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